Prevention / Inspections

Special Events

A failure to turn in a special event application 30 or 90 days prior to the anticipated start of the event could result in a denial of permit or double permit fees.

Download your Special Events Checklist here: Special Events Checklist

Special Events Permits are required for any organized, temporary event with an estimated number of participants and spectators of 100 or more people set up outdoors in a parking lot, side of the road, open land, or any outdoor venue not generally used for an assembly or using a building for an event with an anticipated occupancy load of 50 or more if the building is not permitted and constructed as an assembly occupancy. These operational permits are unique in nature and usually operate for a short period of time. Special Event permits are for a single use and cannot be renewed unless approved under the original application. Each new event shall require a new application and permit. Special Event operational permits will cover the following code sections:

Carnivals and Fairs 
Exhibits and Trade Shows 
Temporary Outdoor Assembly Event 
Temporary Membrane Structures 
Tents and Canopies 
Liquid-or-gas fueled vehicles in assembly buildings

If an event includes the use of pyrotechnics, flame effects, or a firework display 1.4G or 1.3G, a pyrotechnics operational permit is required. A separate application shall be completed by the licensed pyrotechnics shooter or representative company and all required information and documentation as outlined under the pyrotechnic operational permits.

Any event that is anticipated to affect a public roadway including road closures, SHALL have the application, including road closure plans, submitted no later than 90 days prior to the intended start date of the event. The application packet will be forwarded to the Harris County Traffic Division for review and approval. However, it is recommended that the event coordinator contact the Traffic Division, to answer any additional questions or provide further information if needed. A failure to turn in the Special Event application involving public roadway impact, with less than 90 days’ notice could result in the special event application being denied or permit fees doubled.

All other special events which do not anticipate public roadway impact, SHALL have application packet submitted a minimum of 30 days prior to the event start date. A failure to turn in a special event application 30 days prior to the anticipated start date of the event, could result in a denial of permit or double permit fees.

***Note*** The emergency plan shall include the following: “Any law enforcement office has the authority to shut down the event in the interest of public safety.”

Additional Permit Standards for Special Events


Required Emergency Plan per Harris County Fire Code

Tent and Membrane Structure Information

Food Permits/Health Permits

TABC Permit for Alcohol Sales Consumption

Crowd Control Map

Example Map 1

Example Map 2

Sample Emergency Action Plan

Required Emergency Plan per Harris County Fire Code

Food Permits/Health Permits

TABC Permit for Alcohol Sales Consumption

HCFMO Special Event Brochure

To ensure safety during special events, submitting an emergency contact form is required. 

To help identify local area responders for your event, use the address lookup feature.