1001 Preston, Suite 911, Houston, Texas 77002
(713) 274-7000
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Brycer The Compliance Engine
HC Fire Code
EMS Auth Letter
Texas County Fire Marshal Map
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Training & Education
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Knox Box
Suspicious Activity Reports
Wildfire & Burn Bans
Brycer The Compliance Engine
HC Fire Code
EMS Auth Letter
Texas County Fire Marshal Map
Frequently Asked Questions
And Answers
Frequently Asked Questions
Please click on any of the categories for detailed information
General Question
How can I find the ambulance who transported someone to a hospital?
We do not have ambulance records. If this service was provided in the unincorporated parts of Harris County, you can contact the Harris County Emergency Corps at (281) 449-3131 or the nearest fire department. To located your fire department, visit
Harris County’s Address Search
. Your fire department will be located under the Fire Juris. column.
I am considering in buying a home and wanted to know if there has ever been a fire at that location?
You will need to contact the fire department who is responsible for response to your home. To located your fire department, visit
Harris County’s Address Search
. Your fire department will be located under the Fire Juris. column.
Who is the Harris County Fire Marshal’s Office Custodian of Records?
Harris County Fire Marshal Custodian of Records is Ryan Sullivan. To request open records email
For information on open records, please
visit our Records page.
Where can I find an ISO report?
You can find a downloadable ISO reports
on our Resources Page under ISO Reports.
Administrative Questions
How do I obtain records related to a fire in unincorporated Harris County?
View the
Request Records page.
How do I find out how to become an Investigator, Fire Inspector or Hazardous Materials Technician?
Visit the
TCFP website
to view the curriculum and find out where classes are offered. To view a list of all open county positions, please visit the
employment page
on the Harris County main website.
Inspections of Existing Locations
What are the inspection standards for the unincorporated area of Harris County?
The inspection standards include the following:
Fire Code – Jan 1, 2005 version
Fire Code – Jan 1, 2006 version
Fire Code – March 1, 2007 version
Fire Code – July 1, 2008 version
Fire Code – March 1, 2015 version
Fire Code – Sept. 1, 2018 version
Fire Code – Jan. 1, 2025 version
Harris County Fire Code
International Fire Code 2003 ed. – for locations permitted before 3/1/2007
FMO 316.01 Temporary Food Vendors, Festivals, and Theatrical Performances
FMO 1908 Wood Waste and/or Recycling Facilities
NFPA 101 Life Safety Standard 2012 ed
NFPA 101 2015 Edition (upon state adoption)
Cited codes included by reference in IFC 2003, 2006, or NFPA 101 2012
Code word Interpretations
How do I report a fire hazard?
Please report all fire hazards and complaints through our
online complaint form.
I need a fire inspection for an Adult Care Facility; what do I need to do?
Fill out the
HCFMO Inspection Application
for an Adult Care Facility or visit the
existing facilities page.
I need a fire inspection for a Day Care Center; what do I need to do?
Fill out the
HCFMO Inspection Application
for a Day Care Center or visit our
existing facilities page.
I need a fire inspection for my Foster Home (1 to 6 children); what do I need to do?
Fill out the
HCFMO Inspection Application
for a Foster Home or visit our
existing facilities page.
I need a fire inspection for my Foster Group Home (7 to 12 children); what do I need to do?
Fill out the
HCFMO Inspection Application
for a Foster Group Home or visit our
existing facilities page.
I need a fire inspection for a Hospital or Nursing Home; what do I need to do?
Fill out the
HCFMO Inspection Application
for a Hospital or Nursing Home or visit our
existing facilities page.
I need a fire inspection for a Outpatient Clinic; what do I need to do?
Fill out the
HCFMO Inspection Application
for a Outpatient Clinic or visit our
existing facilities page.
I need a fire inspection for my Residential Treatment location; what do I need to do?
Fill out the
HCFMO Inspection Application
for a Residential Treatment or visit our
existing facilities page.
I need a fire inspection for a Private School; what do I need to do?
Call HCFMO at (713) 274-1700 or
I need a fire inspection for a Temporary Vendor; what do I need to do?
Please visit our
special events page
for more information.
I need a fire inspection for a Vocational School; what do I need to do?
Fill out the
HCFMO Inspection Application
for a Vocational School or visit our
existing facilities page.
I need a fire inspection for a Game Room; what do I need to do?
Please visit our
existing facilities page
for more information. You must complete the application and apply in person.
I need a fire inspection for a Sexually Oriented Business; what do I need to do?
Please visit our
existing facilities page
for more information. You must complete the application and apply in person.
What is an EAAP and are all locked gates required to have them?
An EAAP is an Emergency Activation Access Point meaning, the emergency service will be able to access the property or facility at a particular point. This activation access point can be an electronic switch, padlock, lock box or a 911 box secured with a padlock (Knox padlock). It is in a designated location and readily available to emergency response personnel. It shall not exceed 5 feet in height and must be easily accessible from outside the vehicle or pedestrian access gate. All locked access gates at apartments, town homes, condominiums and communities are required to have an HCFMO approved locking device as emergency personnel my need to access the property from more than one gated location. If your gated property already has padlocks, key switches, lock box or 911 lock box with a padlock on the access gate(s), they must be changed out to the countywide locking system. 911 boxes secured with a padlock must change the padlock to the countywide locking system. You may purchase key switches, padlocks or lock box at the KNOX Company only. Go to
, enter the zip code at the location the locking device will be installed, select “Harris Co Fire Marshals Office” as your fire department and proceed to purchase the locking device that best fits your application.
Who will have keys to these EAAP?
Initially, only firefighters and emergency medical personnel responding to calls for service will have key access. No keys will be provided to gate companies, project personnel or property owners. Selected law enforcement personnel will be issued keys at a later date. Keys will be issued through a key coordinator with the HCFMO only and a strict accountability program will be enforced.
Inspections of New Locations
How can I request a final inspection?
New facilities require a permit number from
Harris County Permits.
The fees for the final inspection is included in the original permit fee paid at Harris County Permits. Once you have the permit number,
please request your final inspection
or visit our
Request a Final Inspection Page.
for more information.
Am I in Harris County’s Jurisdiction?
Please visit this
. Put your address, and click on the “search” button. If your Law Juris column contains “sheriff,” you are in unincorporated Harris County.
What kind of inspection does Harris County Fire Marshal’s Office conduct?
Fire and life safety inspections. For more information, please visit our
Request an Inspection section.
What does the fire marshal look for during an inspection?
Please email us at
for more information.
Can I apply for a final inspection if I’m not ready?
If you aren’t ready for the final or initial fire inspection, you may request a preliminary inspection. The application can be found online under the
Existing Facilities, General.
Email the completed application to
. Once we receive the application, we will contact you over the phone to collect payment. This type of inspection will give you an overview of items that may need to be corrected prior to the initial or final inspection. The fee for the preliminary inspection is $130.00.
Can I have an inspection expedited?
At this time, we do not offer expedited inspections. If you have any questions, please email us at
or call (713) 274-1730.
Do I need a new inspection if I’m a new owner in an existing building or I’ve had a name changed?
Yes, HCFMO will schedule an inspection of your facility after an
affidavit of change of ownership
for commercial establishment is completed and processed through the
Harris County Public Infrastructure Department
. The address is 10555 Northwest FW, Suite 120,Houston, TX 77092. During the processing of the affidavit, an inspection fee will be required.
How long after an inspector calls me can I schedule my inspection?
Timing will vary depding on avability of inspectors and the schedule of the business owner.
Permits / New Construction
How do I obtain a permit?
Contact the
Harris County Permits Division
at 713-956-3000.
How do I get a final inspection for new construction?
Follow the steps on the
Final Inspection page.
What do I need if I am building in the unincorporated area of Harris County?
You will need to contact
Harris County Engineering
at: 10555 Northwest Freeway – Suite 120, Houston, Texas 77092 Phone: 713-956-3000 Hours – Monday through Friday 7:30 am to 4:00 pm.
What code standard applies for my permitted location?
This depends on when you were permitted. Please use the following table:
Permit Date (IN EFFECT)
Code Standard
September 14, 2004
International Fire Code 2003 ed.
July 1, 2008
International Fire Code 2006 ed.
March 1, 2015
International Fire Code 2012 ed.
July 1, 2019
International Fire Code 2018 ed.
January 1, 2025
International Fire Code 2021 ed.
Is a fire alarm or fire suppression company required to have plans reviewed and permitted?
Yes, all plans are required to be submitted (even on existing facilities) and fire code permits are required. You will need to contact Harris County Engineering at: 10555 Northwest Freeway – Suite 120, Houston, Texas 77092 Phone: 713-956-3000 Hours – Monday through Friday 7:30 am to 4:00 pm
What construction documents are required from a fire protection company?
You will need to contact
Harris County Engineering
at: 10555 Northwest Freeway – Suite 120, Houston, Texas 77092 Phone: 713-956-3000 Hours – Monday through Friday 7:30 am to 4:00 pm.
Do I need to have my plans reviewed if I am only MODIFYING a fire alarm or suppression system?
For that determination you will need to contact
Harris County Engineering
at: 10555 Northwest Freeway – Suite 120, Houston, Texas 77092 Phone: 713-956-3000 Hours – Monday through Friday 7:30 am to 4:00 pm.
What is my next step, if I have received a Warning Letter noting I’m in violation of fire code on my facility?
You will need to contact
Harris County Engineering
at: 10555 Northwest Freeway – Suite 120, Houston, Texas 77092 Phone: 713-956-3000 Hours – Monday through Friday 7:30 am to 4:00 pm.
Can I open my location before being inspected by the HCFMO?
No, a Certificate of Compliance is required to open a facility to the general public.
HazMat Response
Why does the HazMat Response group exist?
Following the events of September 11, 2001 the overall HazMat response capabilities of Harris County were evaluated. With Harris County being located in the petrochemical capital of the world and having such strong ties to our national infrastructure, a decision was made to create additional HazMat response teams in our area. Here are some interesting facts about the Harris County Team:
HC HMRT is a FEMA, Type 1 Hazardous Materials Response Team.
The team was established in early 2002 by Harris County Commissioners Court.
Currently HC HMRT is the second busiest Hazmat Team in the region.
The Team is staffed by 12 full time TCFP certified HazMat Technicians and 12 part-time certified technician.
How can I request a copy of a Hazmat Incident Report?
You would have to send in a records request. Visit the Request Public Records section. Please complete the form and fax it to (281) 436-8025 or email it to
Please make sure that you have your contact information and and email address. Once received, you should receive your response within 10 business days.
I received a copy of a billing invoice, who can I contact in regards to this bill?
You can call (713) 274-1700 or email
I need to send a copy of our Tier II Report, who can I send it to?
Please send that report to Harris County Fire Marshal’s Office, 2318 Atascocita, Humble Texas 77396.
We would like to have the Hazardous Materials Team come to our event. How can we request a visit?
Please visit our Outreach Program page and fill the
on-line form.
Youth Firesetter Intervention
Does my child need the Youth Firesetter Intervention Program?
While curiosity about fire is a common issue with almost all human beings (usually in the form of campfires, candles, fireplaces, etc.), the use of fire by children is a very dangerous behavior. A tragic situation can be created the first time a child misuses fire. Adults must instill in children the idea that matches and lighters are tools, not toys.
The Harris County Youth Firesetter Intervention program is available at no cost to the citizens of Harris County. Youth (between the ages of two and 18 years of age) can participate in the program. The goal is to educate the child in fire safety and thereby cease the risky behavior. If you would like more information, please visit the
Youth Firesetting Intervention Program
How does the program work?
One-on-one class time is arranged for the child and at least one parent or guardian/caretaker. A family fire risk assessment is conducted to determine the motivation behind the firesetting and create an intervention strategy. Education is appropriate for all kids involved in firesetting behavior and a lesson in fire safety and survival skills will be conducted. If it is determined further counseling is necessary, a referral may be recommended. The program may also be able to assist with additional resources if identified. All information is confidential.
What can parents do?
Parents should:
Instill the idea that matches and lighters are off limits and a tool for adults, not a toy for children. Keep all matches and lighters out of the reach of children.
Install a smoke alarm in every bedroom and in the hallway outside the bedrooms. Test every smoke alarm once a month to make sure they are working.
Remove all flammable items from the home and lock them up in a safe place.
Use candles with care and keep out of the reach of children.
Practice your fire escape plan and have a meeting place outside the home.
Teach your children about safe cooking. Turn pot handles inward. Do not throw water on a grease fire. Place a lid over the pan, turn off the heat and exit the home.
If your child has been discovered misusing or experimenting with fire, enroll them in a
youth firesetting intervention program
Fire Field
How can we schedule the use of the fire field?
Please contact Jason Barnes at (713) 274-1765 or via
What is the cost to use the fire field and props?
Please contact Jason Barnes at (713) 274-1765 or via
to obtain cost associated with using HCFMO’s Fire Field and training props.
I need to send in my payment for use of the field and classroom. Who do I send the payment to?
Payment can be mailed to Harris County Fire Marshal’s Office, Attn: Training Division, 2318 Atascocita, Humble Texas 77396. Be sure to include the PO number on the memo line of the check.
Fire Investigations
How do I obtain records related to a fire in unincorporated Harris County?
View the
Records Request
page or email
How do I find the lead investigator of a fire investigation?
You can email
or call (713) 274-1799. It is important that you leave a detailed message regarding the case.
How can we find out if Harris County Fire Marshal’s investigated a case?
You can email
or call (713) 274-1799. It is important that you leave a detailed message regarding the case.
How can I obtain a copy of a fire investigation report?
Fill out the
Request a Fire Report
Form, once complete, fax to (281) 436-8025 or email
How long does it take for me to receive a copy of a fire investigator report?
Normally, you should receive a response within 10 business days. You can email
How do I obtain a copy of the fire department report?
You need to contact the fire department that responded to the fire in question.
If I come to the office, can I obtain a copy of the fire report?
Yes, but only if the report able to be released. Please call our office at (713) 274-1700 or email
to obtain more information.
Is there a cost for the report?
There is no charge for a copy of the report.
Insurance Service Office (ISO)
You can find a downloadable ISO reports on our
Resources Page under ISO Reports.